FEBRUARY 10, 2019

In 2018, selective collection in Valorlis' area increased by 11% compared to 2017. In all materials: glass; paper and board; plastic and metal, the increase was notorious, with the separation of paper and paperboard showing the highest growth (15% more than in the previous year). There was a very positive evolution in the separation of plastic and metal for recycling (another 14%), with glass separation increasing by 4%.


As a result, a total of 11,141 tonnes of waste was sent to VALORLIS for recycling, including 4,248 tonnes of glass, 4,858 tonnes of paper / carton and 2,035 tonnes of plastic and metal packaging. The involvement of the population of the six municipalities in the Valorlis area of ​​intervention was essential to achieve these results, they are to be congratulated!


The selective collection effort in the municipalities of Valorlis area of ​​influence (Batalha, Leiria, Marinha Grande, Ourém, Pombal and Porto de Mós) resulted in the saving of more than 72 thousand trees, saved enough energy to keep a television connected for more than 1,150 years old, a metal that makes it possible to manufacture more than 8.5 million cans of 0.33 liters, enough plastic to produce more than 7.5 million XL t-shirts and the amount of glass that can produce about 12.1 million of 0.75 liter bottles.


Marta Guerreiro, Chief Executive Officer of Valorlis, stresses that "Valorlis recognizes the efforts of the population and thanks all their contribution, which is essential for the selective collection, seeking to reciprocate with an ever better service and that meets their needs."


Each citizen of the region, by separating and depositing the waste in the right container, contributed to the fact that by the end of 2018 it was possible to send materials for recycling to produce or save very significant resources "selective disposal is already a priority for many residents, but we have awareness that our efforts to raise awareness should be maintained, with simple and direct language, in order to show all people that it is possible to make a difference ", explains Marta Guerreiro.


"We believe that together it will be possible to reinforce our region by 2019 as a benchmark in recycling targets and to meet the demanding goals that we put in terms of material sent for recycling by 2020. These are small efforts we make in our day- which will make all the difference in the very near future, "she adds.