JULY 03, 2019

Algar, EGF concessionaire in the Algarve region, and the São Brás de Alportel City Council joined on July 3, "International Day Without Plastic Bags", to promote an awareness campaign in the city's Municipal Market. The action was carried out with the objective of alerting to the excessive consumption of plastic bags, proposing alternatives to solve this serious environmental problem.


The lightweight plastic bags are harmful to the environment and to health. In the trash they mix with the rest of the residues. They end up in landfills or in the environment, where they can stay for more than 300 years. According to the characterization of the residues deposited in landfills of 2018, performed by Algar, 13% correspond to the category of plastics, 76% of which correspond to light plastic bags.





What to do with plastic bags?


The "International Day Without Plastic Bags" calls for the change of behavior of all the people in the world regarding the use of plastic bags. Each of us must make an effort to preserve the environment, choosing to reduce the use of plastic bags, reuse whenever possible and if they can not be reused, should be deposited in the yellow container for recycling.


ALGAR and the São Brás Municipal Council warn that if everyone does their part, separating the waste they produce, everywhere and everywhere and correctly depositing that waste in the corresponding containers, they will contribute to avoiding environmental pollution and ensure that the waste is properly disposed of. For more information on this initiative: www.algar.com.pt