JUNE 19, 2017

The 5th edition of the Let's give Life to Waste contest, from the 2016/2017 school year, promoted by Algar, EGF Concessionaire for the Algarve region, has come to an end and already has a winner - Montenegro's Basic School 2,3 ( Faro).

The competition was attended by 48 schools covering a population of 23,000 students who participated in awareness-raising activities for 5 months, inspected the waste produced at the school and prepared plans to ensure its correct management. Recycling brigades verified whether the wastes from their production to the final destination received the appropriate treatment taking into account their different characteristics.

These initiatives have improved containerization and signaling processes in the school space, allowing more efficient separation / disposal. The result of the final work was fantastic, accounting for 128,717 kg of recyclable waste correctly sent for recovery.


Also, the residential areas surrounding the schools were involved in this process, joining the awareness campaigns promoted by the students in collaboration with Algar for the collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

Quantity of Recyclable Waste Collected in 48 Schools (kg)
(school year 2016/2017)


Paper/ Cardboard

Plastic/ Metal



Total (kg)

35 508

49 588

32 860


10 690

128 717


In order to encourage the implementation of the Waste Management Plans that schools have implemented, Algar has made available around 650 equipment, namely: Ecobags, for paper/cardboard, glass and plastic/metal packaging; Containers for WEEE and containers for the disposal of batteries and accumulators.

The Basic School 2,3 in Montenegro (Faro), which had already been the winner in 2014, presented the best result in the "Ranking of Collected Recyclable Waste" with a total of 10,850 kg of waste in this 5th edition, having received a computer from Recognition of merit.

Quantity of Recyclable Waste Collected (kg)

E.B. 2,3 do Montenegro (school year 2016/2017)




Plastic/ Metal



Total (kg)





10 850

Algar also gave a Tablet among the students who were part of the "Recycling Brigade" team, mentors of various awareness campaigns held in and out of school. All participants received Ecobags, so that in their homes they can continue the good performance of the separation of recyclable packaging made during the school year in school.

Professor Rui Moreira, who accompanied the implementation of the projects in EB 2,3 of Montenegro, believes that the Let's Give Life to Waste contest has contributed to the school's commitment to improving its environmental performance, as well as sensitize and mobilize the entire community to achieve the goals of this project that is everyone's, as you can see in the results achieved over the last few years!

Algar intends to continue to promote this kind of initiatives, so it is expected that there will be a 6th edition of the competition in the 2017/2018 school year, certainly with more news.

The objective will be to continue to convey the message that the good environmental practices developed can bring numerous benefits regarding the quality of life not only of the school space but also of the whole community and contribute to the personal formation of these future citizens - says Miguel Ferreira, General Director of ALGAR.