MAY 11, 2020

Algar, the company responsible for Algarve's urban waste recovery and treatment, represented by the Executive Administrator Engineer José Barreto, delivered 263 kg of dairy flours, in a value higher than 1000€, to the Food Bank Against Hunger of Algarve (BACF), represented by Nuno Alves, President of the institution of social solidarity in the region.


This gesture is the result of a partnership between Algar and ENTRAJUDA (Algarve), through the “Separar para Alimentar (Separate to Feed)” campaign. The initiative, which in 2019 celebrated 6 years of existence, was created with the purpose of raising awareness among the population for the importance of recycling and, at the same time, to assist the families that are supported daily by BACF - Algarve, through the delivery of nutritional food for children until 3 years old.


This type of food, motivated by its specificity and higher acquisition values, is less frequent among the donations usually received by the institution.


In 2019, families that generally receive the support of the BACF, delivered their plastic, metal and empty ECAL packaging (carton packaging for liquid food) to BACF-Algarve to be recycled. In return, they will be the ones receiving this kind of assistance.

Campaign's retrospective

This campaign, which lasted from 2013 to 2019, guaranteed the recycling of 49,240 kg of packaging waste and allowed the delivery of 6,000€ in food items. It ended in 2019 giving rise to a new cause: "Toneladas de Ajuda (Tons of Help)", an EGF Group campaign that is currently taking place and that BACF - Algarve has also made a point of embracing.

This campaign aims to value all recyclable waste that the registered institutions want to deliver to the Algar, namely plastic, metal, paper, cardboard and glass packaging, in exchange for a financial contribution.

All of those who wish to collaborate with "Toneladas de Ajuda", in favor of BACF-Algarve, will be able to deliver, separately, the packaging listed above, at Algar's facilities, which are distributed throughout the Algarve region ( When doing so, you must inform the institution that you are supporting.