JANUARY 2, 2017

ALGAR, EGF's concessionaire, promotes a free service of selective collection of packaging waste, door-to-door to small retail, catering and services. This service, commonly known as "Ambilinha", which takes place in the 16 municipalities of the Algarve region, will be renamed Algarlinha and will be available as of January 2, 2017.

The procedures, methodology for collecting packaging waste, are as follows:


  • The Algarlinha delivers bags and signs for the disposal of recyclable packaging waste (glass, plastic / metal and paper / cardboard);
  • All material collected under the service provided must be separated and cleaned of contaminants;
  • Packagings, wherever possible, should be drained and / or flattened before being placed in the bags (green, yellow and blue, respectively);
  • Full and closed bags are collected;
  • The Algarlinha will make the replacement of more empty bags in exchange for the collected ones.

The working hours for clarifications are on working days from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm, and the following contacts can be used for this purpose: Green line: 800 915 331 | Email: algarlinha@suma.pt.

The success of the Algarlinha service is an advantage for the Environment, but the active collaboration of all stakeholders is indispensable. For more information: www.algar.com.pt