Amarsul has vehicles and exclusive teams for the selective collection of trade and services, with the collection process being carried out according to the needs of the entities, through regular collections at adhering establishments or through specific requests.
Amarsul made an investment of 150 thousand euros in the acquisition of two new vehicles to integrate the selective collection fleet, to guarantee the recovery of waste in the most sustainable way in its various areas of operation, ensuring demanding environmental standards.
These vehicles are able to collect plastic and paper / cardboard waste and are intended exclusively to collect from commercial entities, businesses and services, which produce quantities of recyclable waste.
These new vehicles allow to optimize the collection service, as they have 30% more capacity than the replaced vehicles, allowing to increase the number of visited entities.
They also have a set of features that substantially improve the daily working conditions of drivers and assistants, in terms of comfort and safety.
The Selective Collection activity thus counts on a reinforced fleet with 2 new vehicles and awaits the reception of 3 more, to replace the existing ones, ensuring the collection of the approximately 2300 commercial establishments distributed by the 9 Municipalities of the Setúbal Peninsula.