DECEMBER 03, 2017

The EGF, in the framework of the celebration of its 70 years, and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, are promoting a prize to be awarded to a student of the Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Lisbon for the creation of a site specific work that represents the corporate identity of EGF.

The competition is directed exclusively to students enrolled in the 1st and 2nd cycle studies of Sculpture and Design of Fine Arts Equipment, with the final purpose being the placement of the award-winning work at EGF's headquarters. The jury is composed of Gabriela Ventura, President of the Board of EGF Management, Ana Loureiro, EGF Communication Officer, Professor Victor dos Reis, President of the FBAUL, or a representative appointed by him, João Castro Silva, Assistant Professor of FBAUL, Ana Lia Santos, Assistant to the FBAUL .

The objectives of this collaboration include the encouragement, development and dissemination of new artists and designers, as well as the reinforcement of EGF values. EGF, integrated in the MOTA-ENGIL Group, rather than valuing waste, values ​​the quality of life of the people, ensuring that the waste produced is used as resources or sent to the most appropriate destination.