NOVEMBER 16, 2017

EGF supports the participation in the next workshop dedicated to the Circular Economy in Environmental Geotechnology, an event organized by the University of Coimbra and the Portuguese Commission of Environmental Geotechnics, which will take place next November 22nd.

The participation of EGF will be carried out by Eng. Anália Torres da Valorsul (Concessionaire for the regions of Lisbon (North) and West of Portugal), with a presentation - The circular economy in the management of urban waste.

The main topics of the Workshop include the strategic concepts and objectives of circular economics, efficiency and societal challenges in the use of geomaterials, processing and treatment of waste and recent developments for the recovery of contaminated areas.


This workshop is intended for professionals involved in the field of waste in general, including entrepreneurs, technicians, lawyers, economists, academics and students. For more information: