APRIL 13, 2022

Valorsul achieved the best year ever in recycling, having recorded an increase of 9,900 tons of recyclable materials, compared to 2020.

In 2021, more than 95 thousand tons of glass, paper/cardboard, as well as plastic/metal packaging were valued at Valorsul's Sorting Centers. The separation of plastic and metal showed the highest growth (14%) compared to the previous year, followed by paper/cardboard with 12% and glass with a further 9%.

Valorsul ended 2021, with an annual capitation of 55 kg of packaging waste separated per inhabitant, and together with its 19 Municipalities, continues to exceed national targets.


Goal accomplished. In 2021, Valorsul deposited only 2% of the waste received in landfills.

The landfill disposal target was set at 10% of the waste received for treatment and Valorsul deposited only 2% of the total waste that entered its facilities. As this is an end-of-line option in waste management, Valorsul, by integrating environmental responsibility into its daily activity, remains committed to minimizing this deposition. This significant reduction in the placement of waste in landfills is extremely important for achieving the goal of reducing the disposal of biodegradable waste in landfills.


More energy, more value in the treatment of undifferentiated waste.

In 2021, exports to the national electricity grid were around 350 million KWh, an increase of 19% compared to 2020. The biggest contribution came from the Energy Recovery Plant, which exported around 327 million KWh to the national electricity grid. This iconic installation of Valorsul, which has already completed 27 years of operation, has a significant expression in the energy recovery of waste in our country.


The results obtained in 2021 reveal that we are recycling and doing better.

The 2021 performance with the million euros of investment in its investment plan reveals the commitment made to citizens and the search for investment in investment solutions, for also the application of the application of a public service of excellence. Highlight for the investment in the construction of the new Ecocentro de Torres Vedras, in the amount of 2.8 million euros.


The results obtained, but we have the demanding task, that a selective approach to their waste waste and treatment, which will imply an optimized coordination between a value and its municipalities to, jointly, fulfill the new community goals that are coming.