On November 6, Amarsul began the II Edition of the "Recycling Market" campaign, in partnership with the Azeitão Town Council, in the Azeitão Monthly Market - Municipality of Setúbal.

During the morning, a team from Amarsul was in the Azeitão Monthly Market to raise awareness and motivate the shopkeepers for the correct separation of recyclables and delivered 1 recycling kit, composed by coloured bags to promote the correct separation of waste in the enclosure, thus avoiding the dispersion of waste. At the end of the afternoon, the monitors returned to the Market to collect the bags from each market vendor.

With the success of the previous edition, Amarsul intends to keep the award "Recycling Market" to participating markets, which stand out for their commitment to reducing the environmental impact resulting from their activity, promoting proper waste management, as well as promoting a dynamic of proximity of Amarsul to its municipalities, in solving common problems, thus contributing to an active citizenship in the field of sustainable development and for building a more efficient society in the use of its resources.

A "Recycling Market" represents a market with a responsible character and concern for sustainability, which will be a differentiating element.

This campaign is supported by Sociedade Ponto Verde.