SEPTEMBER 12, 2019

Amarsul, EGF concessionaire in the Setúbal peninsula, has made available 57 new metal ecopoints, specific containers of 3m3 are being placed in all the municipalities in its area, namely in places where there is a high history of vandalism, namely fires in ecopoints.


Since the end of 2018, Amarsul has been strengthening its network of ecopoints, bringing recyclable containers closer to the population in order to make recycling of these wastes more convenient. This project covers all municipalities of the Setúbal Peninsula and is co-financed by POSEUR - Operational Program for Sustainability and Resource Efficiency.




Amarsul is committed to increasingly providing better service to the population by making more containers available for the disposal of recyclable waste and improving the quality of service, thereby reducing waste that is sent to landfill.