OCTOBER 20TH, 2022

Jornal de Negócios launches the 3rd edition of the National Sustainability Award, an ambitious project, fully aligned with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. 


EGF sponsors this 3rd edition of the National Sustainability Award, and Emídio Pinheiro, Chairman of the Board of Directors of EGF, is a member of the Jury in the Circular Economy category.


In the first two editions, many companies with economic activity in Portugal accepted the challenge and participated in great numbers, with applications of great relevance and quality.


This year, the objective is to continue to recognise, inspire, promote and disseminate the work and performance of the companies that join the initiative for global sustainability.


If your company or institution has developed sustainability best practices that you are proud of, apply.

Join the club of those who distinguish themselves in the different areas of sustainability: environmental, social and governance.


Apply at: https://sustentabilidade.negocios.pt/premio/