4TH OF JULY, 2022

Amarsul starts today a new contact and support service to the citizens of its region - the Recycling Line, a PUBLIC, FREE and NATIONAL service that was created to provide effective responses to the citizen, namely to answer questions, requests for information, suggestions, complaints, compliments and service requests related to the collection and treatment of urban waste.


Service requests related to the collection and treatment of urban waste are now available in the areas where the concessionaires Algar, Amarsul, Ersuc, Resiestrela, Resinorte, Resulima, Suldouro, Valnor, Valorlis, Valorminho operate, in a total of 155 municipalities, and will be progressively expanded very soon.


This service from the EGF Group has the following contacts available:



Freephone: 800 911 400

Website: www.linhadareciclagem.pt

Email: atendimento@linhadareciclagem.pt


The service line is open Monday to Friday from 9h00 to 20h00 and at the other end of the line you will find experienced operators who will help you with all your doubts and questions related to the waste and resources that we manage every day.

You can also use the new website with useful information and easier and more direct contact, allowing you to solve your questions effectively.


For more information on this initiative, please visit the website www.linhadareciclagem.pt