NOVEMBER 12, 2020

Sociedade Ponto Verde and Valorlis came together to make recycling easier and easier. The Ecoporta initiative reaches Picassinos, Comeira (Marinha Grande), Casal do Ralha, Mouratos (Leiria) in an action to raise awareness of promoting adherence to the door to door collection service in these locations.


With the motto “Separate the Packaging. We collect. We all recycle.” The initiative consists of a team of monitors who will visit the homes in the region in order to raise their awareness of the existence of a free door-to-door collection service for recyclable waste that, in order to function fully, must have the involvement and participation of all.


This initiative provides for the distribution of bags and ecobags for waste separation and also participation through a questionnaire on recycling habits.


With a new approach, closer to the citizen, the objective of the Ecoporta initiative is to involve citizens showing that they can be part of the solution by recycling without leaving home.


In addition to door-to-door actions, the initiative also includes a partnership with commercial establishments where dispensers and bags for separation will be available.


“Our main objective is that the inhabitants of the areas covered adhere to the free service we provide them, separating their paper and plastic waste correctly. Each one separates their waste, Valorlis collects it door to door and all together we make a difference”, says Marta Guerreiro, Executive Director of Valorlis.


For Ana Isabel Trigo Morais, CEO / CEO of SPV, “door-to-door collection is an essential service to ensure the forwarding of packaging for treatment and recovery in some areas of our country. Initiatives such as Ecoporta make it possible to guarantee the correct information and awareness of citizens so that they get to know the service and understand that it is only with their participation that it is possible to do it effectively. ”


The action will start on November 6 and will go through the rooms over the weekends, complying with all the rules stipulated by the General Directorate of Health.


Door-to-Door Collection Service

Valorlis has been implementing the Door to Door Collection service since 2001 from the population, in the areas of Picassinos/Comeira, in the municipality of Marinha Grande and Mouratos/Casal do Ralha in the municipality of Leiria. The inhabitants of the areas covered store their plastic and metal, paper and cardboard waste in the blue and yellow bags provided by Valorlis and on specific days (3rd and 6th) they place them at the door of their residence and Valorlis collects them.


Valorlis' door-to-door collection service aims to increase the quantity and quality of selectively collected materials and, consequently, to decrease the quantities of undifferentiated waste, through a selective collection system at the residence itself.


About Sociedade Ponto Verde

Sociedade Ponto Verde is a private non-profit institution whose mission is to organize and manage the recovery and recovery of packaging waste, promoting CIRCULAR ECONOMY through the implementation of the Integrated Packaging Waste Management System (SIGRE). Awareness and education for the best environmental practices are one of the main objectives of Sociedade Ponto Verde with the Portuguese.