OCTOBER 25, 2021

Valorlis offers domestic composters to the population

Applications open to obtain a composter


Valorlis will expand its domestic composting program through the distribution of 4,500 composters, which will be delivered to the population in its area of ​​intervention in 2022, through participation in an awareness-raising action.


The expansion of the program comes with the objective of contributing to the diversion of biodegradable urban waste from landfills, as well as responding to requests and expressions of interest from citizens, and will be promoted in close partnership with Municipalities and Parish Councils.


All families who have a small outdoor space in their home (garden, backyard or vegetable garden) residing in the municipalities of Batalha, Leiria, Marinha Grande, Pombal, Porto de Mós and Ourém and who have one can participate in the Composting program developed by Valorlis. household equal to or greater than 2 people.


Residents interested in obtaining a free composter must register using the form available at www.valorlis.pt by November 30, 2021. Afterwards, citizens are invited to participate in a mandatory awareness-raising action and receive the composter.


«We recognize the potential of the practice of domestic composting, in terms of valuing organic matter and raising the population's awareness of healthy and environmentally-friendly practices» says the Managing Director of Valorlis, Marta Loia Guerreiro. And he adds, "With this project, we intend to provide conditions for citizens to recycle the waste they produce in their homes, with economic and environmental benefits for all."


Domestic Composting is a natural process for recycling organic matter, which allows the use of waste from the kitchen and garden and transform it into a nutrient-rich fertilizer called compost. When used, the compost improves the characteristics of the soil, reduces the amount of chemical fertilizers and reduces the amount of water needed for irrigation.


If you have a garden, yard or vegetable garden, home composting is ideal for you!


The Domestic Composting Project launched in 2007 by Valorlis marked a new and significant stage in the effort to reduce waste deposited in landfills, enabling the recovery of 19,590 tons of waste, through the use of 8,836 composters, which were distributed free of charge in the actions of training carried out. 205 training actions in Domestic Composting were carried out in 62 parishes of the six municipalities in the area of ​​influence of Valorlis and 3,000 monitoring, counseling and intervention visits were carried out with families that own a composter.