AUGUST 31 2023

Valorsul, MEO Kalorama and CML establish a partnership in the field of environmental sustainability, transforming the music festival into one of the largest EcoEvents in the country


Valorsul, the company responsible for the treatment and recovery of urban waste in the Lisbon area and the Western Region, is, for the second year running, one of MEO Kalorama's partners in the area of sustainability, which is one of the pillars of the summer festival taking place from 31 August to 2 September at Parque da Belavista in Lisbon.


Valorsul will be present during the three days of the event with awareness-raising teams, who will travel around the site with the aim of making festival-goers and commercial establishments aware of the new cycle that packaging can gain by being placed in the correct containers, which will be strategically available for the separation of the 5 streams (undifferentiated, paper/cardboard, plastic/metal, glass and bio-waste) with the support of Lisbon City Council (CML).


Valorsul intends to raise awareness of environmental sustainability and the new life that can be given to waste, thus seeking to fulfil the purpose of making this festival as sustainable as possible and promoting active citizenship among young people in the field of sustainable development and in building a more efficient society in the use of its resources.


Out of the box, into the recycling bin" action

Also in close partnership with CML, Valorsul and MEO Kalorama are launching an innovative initiative at this edition of the festival - "Out of the box, into the recycling bin" - which combines the three pillars of the event around music, art and sustainability. Over the three days of the festival, 30 end-of-life containers will be decorated live and then offered to the Flamenga Neighbourhood Community Group in Marvila, which will distribute them to various local organisations. Pitanga is the artist invited to the first edition of this initiative, since many of her works already reflect her concern with reconciling illustration and urban art with environmental issues and reflections on sustainability, using recycled materials and less polluting paints.


Ângelo Pereira, the councillor responsible for urban hygiene at Lisbon City Council, said: "The municipality is always available to support actions that promote sustainability and recycling. In addition to the 30 containers that will be decorated and given to the Flamenga Neighbourhood Community Group, the Municipality will provide 1,000 containers and three compactors, as well as collecting waste during the three days of the festival and cleaning up the grounds at the end of the event. To do this, we will have circuits and teams allocated to MEO Kalorama, as we did last year. Lisbon City Council is committed to reducing its environmental impact and promoting a more environmentally friendly culture. As always, we call on everyone to adopt sustainable practices, namely waste separation."


With regard to the match money offered by Valorsul for the recyclable material collected at the festival, it will be given to the Jorge Pina Association, thus contributing to the purchase of a community transport van.


"Music festivals, such as MEO Kalorama, are the ideal stage for us to pass on the message of sustainability and recycling to an audience that is increasingly attentive and dedicated to these themes, but also to social causes, art and culture. This partnership and cooperation with the festival organisers and CML makes perfect sense so that together we can go further with the aim of increasing the recycling rate and making our planet more sustainable and liveable for everyone," says Susana Silva, Valorsul's Communications and Awareness Director.


"Since the first edition, MEO Kalorama has achieved results that we are very proud of. In 2022 we managed to end the event with zero waste in landfill and a recycling rate of more than 60 per cent, in which the undifferentiated waste was also used to generate energy. These results were only possible in partnership - Valorsul played a very important role, from raising awareness among venue operators to offering waste treatment. Being an 'EcoEvento' is also a source of pride and shows that we are on the right track,Dora Palma, MEO Kalorama's Sustainability Director, also emphasises. 


About Valorsul

Valorsul is responsible for the treatment and recovery of urban waste from 19 municipalities in the Lisbon area and the West region: Alcobaça, Alenquer, Amadora, Arruda dos Vinhos, Azambuja, Bombarral, Cadaval, Caldas da Rainha, Lisboa, Loures, Lourinhã, Nazaré, Óbidos, Odivelas, Peniche, Rio Maior, Sobral de Monte Agraço, Torres Vedras, Vila Franca de Xira. Valorsul valorises 15% of all household waste produced in Portugal, serving 1.6 million inhabitants. Valorsul produces and exports 2 per cent of national household consumption to the electricity grid.