AUGUST 18, 2020

Amarsul promoted - in the academic year of 2019/2020 - the 2nd edition of EGF's Group program, ECOVALOR, which has the competitions “Separa e Ganha no Azul e Amarelo” and which aims to promote the correct separation of recyclable waste in educational establishments, as well as creating recycling habits with the school community.

This project, co-financed by POSEUR - Operational Program for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources, aims to increase and optimize the quantities of recyclables separated at source.


86 enrolled educational establishments were involved in the whole process, reaching a universe of 61,500 participating students. With this program, the recyclable waste collected goes back to the production cycle and becomes raw material and, at the same time, schools are rewarded for their good environmental performance.


The contest took place between October 2019 and June 2020. During this period, the participating schools separated and sent 46,566 kg of plastic and metal packaging and 106,806 kg of paper and cardboard for recycling, even though this edition lasted 2 months less than the usual, due to the early closure of schools resulting from COVID-19's pandemic. However, the commitment shown by the educational establishments allowed to increase the separated quantities by 153,372 Kg. The whole school community is to be congratulated!


For its excellent performance, Amarsul will award 60 prizes to educational establishments that managed to reach the minimum of 70 plastic/metal packaging bags and/or 1 ton of paper/cardboard during the academic year 2019/2020.


This type of contest is part of Amarsul's environmental education offer, which also includes visits to the facilities, provision of information materials on recycling and internal and external awareness actions, which reached more than 4,700 participants.


Given the success of the 2nd edition of the "Separa e Ganha" contest, the initiative will continue for the next school year. Find out how to enroll your school HERE.