EGF, through its Concessionaires, is investing around 2.6 million euros in a national social innovation program that attributes economic benefits to those who separate used packaging. This program is one of the largest national investments dedicated to education and environmental awareness.
Changing the paradigm and environmental education actions will reward good environmental behavior in an innovative and innovative initiative and, from the North to the South of the country, will reward citizens and demonstrate the economic, environmental and social benefits of recycling the packaging used.
In order to promote good environmental practice, with a special focus on waste recycling, the program will be based on the organization of various initiatives among the population, commerce and educational establishments, including:
ECOEVENTOS |This initiative supports, certifies and recognizes the good environmental practices implemented in the festivals, festivals, races, pilgrimages and sporting events that take place all over the country. The objective is to ensure that the organizers ensure the proper management of waste produced in the event venues, from their prevention, reuse and recycling and to sensitize the participants to collaborate in this collective movement. To assist in this mission, each concessionaire assures the selective collection of the containers, containers / containers appropriate to each location, awareness actions and incentives based on the quantity delivered. EcoEventos of all dimensions - such as those made in Rock in Rio, Marés Vivas, Expofacic, Boom Festival, Sol da Caparica or the Gualterianas Festivals in Guimarães are some of the success stories.
COMÉRCIO A RECICLAR | In all the concessionaires, EGF is carrying out a sensitization action that will involve more than 26,000 commercial establishments, with the aim of informing about the advantages of recycling the used packaging, how its selective collection system works and help to find solutions whenever there are impediments to their participation. To encourage this initiative, a pedagogical kit with the recycling code will be delivered. Lisbon was the county that started this activity, which will extend to the 174 municipalities of the intervention areas of the 11 companies owned by EGF.
ECOVALOR | Initiative dedicated to the promotion of environmental education in educational establishments, through which the EGF intends to distinguish with a monetary prize good environmental behavior. For each bag of plastic, metal and beverage packages delivered, the school will receive € 0.50, and the best schools in each municipality will be rewarded at higher value. This national initiative will start this school year, including all logistical support (bags, bags and selective collection) and more than 5,000 actions to raise awareness by environmental action monitors.
Also in this scope, the EGF program includes a tour of itinerant planetariums for environmental education "Our House is a Planet", where you can watch 360º films dedicated to the themes of prevention, reuse and recycling.
RECYCLE BINGO | Using new technologies, EGF has also launched APP Recycle Bingo, a mobile application available on the AppStore and GooglePlay, which rewards the good behavior of the citizen based on the number of times he will deliver packages in his usual eco-center. This innovative application can know through the geolocation of our Smartphone, that we are near the ecoponto. Upon check-in, EcoGifts are unlocked, with which the BinGo cards are filled. Each time a card is completed, EcoMoedas is offered - which can be exchanged for prizes, such as movie tickets, discount vouchers, and more. In addition to this main mission, the application is launching special surprise missions with the aim of improving Portuguese knowledge about recycling, maintaining involvement with Recycle BinGo and of course rewarding the most friends on the planet.
Actions of the EGF Concessionaires are developed in partnership with the municipalities and are supported by the POSEUR - Operational Program for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources, in a bet on initiatives that will lead the Portuguese to have a specific benefit for their participation.
About EGF
EGF is a European company of reference in the environmental sector and leader in waste treatment and recovery in Portugal. Integrated in the MOTA-ENGIL Group, it is responsible for ensuring the treatment and recovery of waste in the most environmentally correct and economically sustainable way, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life and the environment.
The management of waste treatment and recovery systems is carried out through 11 concession companies (Algar, Amarsul, Ersuc, Resiortela, Resinorte, Resulima, Suldouro, Valorlis, Valminor, Valorsul), established in partnership with the municipalities served, which process approximately 3.2 million tonnes of urban waste (UK) annually, serving a population of 6.3 million people in 174 municipalities in an area equivalent to 60% of the territory in Portugal.
For more information: Ana Loureiro | 968601711 |